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What is an ALTA/ASCSM Survey:

ALTA stands for American Land Title Association has members of all the major title insurance companies and title agencies across the United States. ACSM stands for American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, and is made up of surveyors, cartographers and photogramistrists. In the 1980's these two groups met and formulated standards for companies purchasing commercial property. This step was deemed necessary to circumvent the fact that every surveyor had a different idea on how the survey should be done. These standards established in the 1980's were, and still are revised to reflect the current standards that we have for ALTA surveying across the United States. Since these two member organizations agreed with the ALTA standards, the client and/or title company expects that the survey be in accordance with these standards whenever they order an ALTA survey. The surveyor will identify the location of all improvements to the property lines along with a summary of how the physical property line matches the existing deed of record or the report contained in the title commitment. It should also be noted that in the ALTA survey, the surveyor will normally show any easements, building setback lines and if the structure or improvements are located inside any of these encumbrances.

More Information:

Gamba & Associates, Inc.
Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyors

Tel: 970/945-2550 Fax: 970/945-1410 www.gambaengineering.com
113 Ninth Street, Suite 214 P.O. Box 1458 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81602
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Send your questions and comments to gamba@gambaengineering.com.
Last Modification: April 20 2005